Your show ticket

Hier finden Sie alle Informationen für eine Teilnahme an der SOLIDS Parma.

Book show ticket

With just a few clicks you can register for your personal admission ticket to SOLIDS Parma.

Your ticket includes:

Register without code for €30

Register here if you have not received a code from an exhibitor, media partner, association or Easyfairs.

As part of the registration process, you can decide whether Easyfairs should also keep you informed about future events.

Register free of charge with code

Register here online free of charge if you have received a code from an exhibitor, media partner, association or Easyfairs.

As part of the registration process, you agree that Easyfairs may continue to inform you about future events.

All prices include VAT. You can find Easyfairs’ privacy policy here.


Melden Sie sich vorab für Ihr kostenfreies Messeticket an. Sobald das Ticketportal online ist, informieren wir Sie per E-Mail.

* required



trade show ticket

worth € 30,-